Year 2025 - International Year
of Peace and Trust
Meeting of Head of the CIS Election Observation Mission V. Guminskiy with Chairman of the Central Election Committee of Turkmenistan G. Muradov takes place
The headquarter of the CIS Election Observation Mission published information saying that according to the invitation of the Central Committee for elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, the Mission and its headquarter started monitoring of the Presidential election campaign in Turkmenistan. The meeting of First Deputy of the Executive Committee of the CIS Executive Secretary V. Guminskiy with Chairman of the Central Committee for elections and referendums in Turkmenistan G. Muradov was he...
The CIS Observer Mission started monitoring of the Presidential Election campaign in Turkmenistan
As is known, earlier, our country invited the observers from foreign states and competent international organizations, including the CIS, SCO and OBSE, which are presented with opportunity to observe the course of election campaign and the elections under their authority. The CIS delegation was the first to arrive to Turkmenistan. First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Executive Secretary Victor Guminskiy leads the Mission. During the meeting in the Central Committee for...
Сообщение для средств массовой информации
26 января 2017 года В связи с появившимися в последние дни в прессе высказываниями руководителя Национальной иранской газовой компании Хамид Реза Араги по вопросам поставок туркменского природного газа и возникших при этом «финансовых разногласий», МИД Туркменистана заявляет следующее. Туркменская сторона, строго выполняя свои обязательства по Контракту купли-продажи газа, на протяжении ряда лет обеспечивала его бесперебойную подачу в Иран. В отличие от этого, Национальная иранская газовая...
Completed the registration of candidates for the election of the President of Turkmenistan
In accordance with article №48 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, candidates for the post of the President of Turkmenistan, the Central Election Commission registers. Registration of candidates begins fifty days before the election, and for twenty-five days before the election ends. January 17, 2017 completed the registration of candidates for the election of the President of Turkmenistan. All 9 candidates nominated by political parties, initiative groups of citizens for the post of Presi...
President of Turkmenistan met with voters of Balkan velayat
During his working visit to Balkan velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov met with the construction workers of the carbamide plant in Garabogaz, gas and chemical complex in Kiyanly, International Sea Port in the city of Turkmenbashy. The participants of the meetings on the construction sites of these facilities had an opportunity to directly ask questions to the candidate for the highest office in the scheduled February 12 elections. President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov presented the mai...
Completed campaign for nomination of candidates for the post of President of Turkmenistan
In accordance with Article №44 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the campaign for nomination of candidates begins for sixty days and completed for thirty days before the election. Thus, the campaign for the nomination of candidates for the post of President of Turkmenistan completed. For the post of President of Turkmenistan from the political parties,were nominated three candidates and put forward six candidates from civic initiative groups and all nine the nominated candidates are re...
3223 national registered observes who will monitor electoral process
The most important part of the ongoing public and political for elections of campaign of President of Turkmenistan held a national registration of observers from the candidates to the post of the head of state , which from that moment on will be to monitor the electoral process. The relevant election commission they were awarded certificates of the established sample. Total in the country to date are registered 3223 observers. Among them, 610 people - representatives of the Democratic Par...