3223 national registered observes who will monitor electoral process

The most important part of the ongoing public and political for elections of campaign of President of Turkmenistan held a national registration of observers from the candidates to the post of the head of state , which from that moment on will be to monitor the electoral process. The relevant election commission they were awarded certificates of the established sample.
Total in the country to date are registered 3223 observers.
Among them, 610 people - representatives of the Democratic Party, 336 - the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 407 - of the Agrarian Party, 687 - Trade Unions, 279 - Women's Union, 509 - Youth Organization, 321 - groups of citizens, 74 - Candidates for the post of President of Turkmenistan.
High educational and professional level of observers - most of them are experts working in the field of Agriculture and Water Management, fuel and energy complex, economic sphere education and health care, government and administration. Their number included representatives of different nationalities.
For observers will be conducted training seminars, which give them an opportunity most fully familiarize with the changes in the national electoral legislation, namely with the Electoral Code, their official duties, and order of carrying out the forthcoming elections.
In accordance with accepted international practice, observers have the right attend meetings of election commissions, with the sealing of the ballot boxes at polling stations before voting, during it, in counting the votes, as well as the determination of the election results in the polling stations and resulting the general totals.
In addition, they will assess the level of organization of the campaign and compliance with the effective laws in the country, ensure genuine freedom declaration of will of citizens and democratic electoral procedures.