During the period of 13-18 May, 2019, the Sixth Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction on “the Achievements in attaining sustainability: on the way to stable and inclusive communities” is taking place in Geneva.
Turkmenistan is represented at this Forum by the delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Turkmenistan, Head of the Main Department on Civil Defense and Rescue Works of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan.
The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is a vital component of the monitoring process and implementation of Sendai Framework Programme for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030).
During the Forum, the high-level dialogue dedicated to the issues of the Sendai Framework Programme implementation progress, presentation of global analytical report, innovative platform, informative laboratories, as well as parallel thematic events were organized.
During the ministerial round table dedicated to the issues of accelerating the implementation of the Sendai Framework Programme, the head of Turkmen delegation shared the experience of Turkmenistan on the realization of the goals belonging to the ecological component of the SDGs, including the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and particularly the Sendai Framework Programme for Disaster Risk Reduction.
In the framework of the Forum, a meeting of the head of Turkmen delegation and Ms.Paola Albrito, Head of the European Regional Office of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction was held, during which the parties discussed the issues of cooperation for attaining the goals set.