"The Land of the Turkmen" by Magtymguly Fragi is recited on World Poetry Day in different languages of the world


Outstanding personalities are endowed with the ability to foresee the fate of their people. So Magtymguly managed to see the future of his homeland hundreds of years in advance, passionately calling on the Turkmens to unite, to live a united life in an independent and prosperous state.

On the eve of the celebration of World Poetry Day, the world-famous poem "The Land of the Turkmen" is recited about Magtymguly's dreams that came true. Turkmen youth in Ukraine and abroad, as well as Turkmen diplomats read the poet's work in different languages ​​of the world. Thus, the importance of strengthening friendship, brotherhood and cultural dialogue between peoples, promoting the idea of ​​peace and trust, which are the basis of the "Concept of Activities and Priorities of Turkmenistan within the Framework of the International Year of Peace and Trust", is emphasized.

The poem “The Land of the Turkmen” is read by Turkmen students Arslan Ereshov, Bayly Atayev, Ovezmyrat Khanbayev, Huseyn Tursunov, Maral Durdyeva, and representatives of the Turkmen diaspora Aziza Kurambayeva and Liliana Abdyshukurova.