Commemorative coins and modified samples of banknotes dated to the 5th Asian indoor and martial arts games


The Central bank of the country dated circulation of modified samples of banknotes of 2017 with denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 manats and also issue of commemorative gold and silver coins «Ashgabat Olimpiya stadiony» worth 100 manats each to the opening of the 5th Asian indoor and martial arts games. 

As informed in the press release of the main bank of the country, the basic supplement on the obverse of banknotes, the design and colour of which are kept in the former view, is the symbol of the Ashgabat 2017. 

The reverse of bank notes is decorated by relief images of the new capital international airport «Ashgabat halkara howa menzili», the artificial satellite «TürkmenÄlem 52°E», and also the architectural masterpieces of Turkmen capital erected in honour of the forthcoming Games. 

Enhancement of protective elements has become a distinctive characteristic of national currency sample of 2017. So, the symbol of the 5th Asian indoor and martial arts games was executed by a special press method. Besides, the nominal figure on banknotes with denominations of 1 and 5 manats was put by special colour changing paint, and on banknotes with higher denominations - in the form of a chessboard of Dune new advanced paint Spark® Live. On the obverse of bank notes the date of issue of a banknote and the facsimile of the signature of the Chairman of the Board of the Central bank of Turkmenistan are specified. 

The given denominations are obligatory to reception in the territory of our country at nominal cost in all enterprises, organisations and establishments irrespective of forms of ownership and field of activity at realisation of payments. 

Banknotes of the Central Bank of 2009, 2012 and 2014 will continue to remain lawful means of payment within Turkmenistan. 

For reliable definition of authenticity of bank notes it is necessary to check up not less than five protective signs, about which it is possible to familiarise with the information on the Internet page of the Central bank of the country at 

As already was marked above, the main bank of the country also has issued next numismatic novelty in honour of forthcoming historical significant event – largest and representative series of the 5th Asian indoor and martial arts games, called for millions of people to represent Turkmenistan as the country of peace, progress and prosperity. 

The complete set of commemorative coins «Ashgabat Olimpiya stadiony» was made by the old partner of Turkmenistan - the Mint of Great Britain «The Royal Mint Limited». 

On the obverse of curiosities in the centre the Olympic stadium of Ashgabat over which the symbol of forthcoming sports action is placed, is shown. By the top part of the obverse a semi circle with inscription «ÝAPYK BINALARDA WE SÖWE Ş SUNGATY BOÝUNÇA V AZIÝA OÝUNLARY» and at the bottom - «AŞGABAT OLIMPIÝA STADIONY» is displayed. 

On the reverse of both coins in the centre the State Emblem of Turkmenistan is placed and at the top part the semicircle with inscription «TÜRKMENISTANY Ň MERKEZI BANKY» and at the bottom - face value - «ÝÜZ MANAT» is specified. Commemorative coins with a diameter of 38, 61 mm are made gold of high test - Аu 916, 7 and silver - Ag 925 tests. The weight of numismatic novelties - accordingly 39, 94 and 28, 28 grams. The inscriptions with the specified data are divided by patterns in the form of octagons. 

High quality of coins - «proof» - guarantees the certificate of the Central Bank of the country given for them.