On January 10-13 2019, the leading annual touristic exhibition "Ferien-Messe Wien" took place in Vienna. This event is one of the major forums organized in Austria reflecting the last achievements in world tourism.
About 850 representatives of the tourism sector from 80 countries of the world have participated in the exhibition. The representatives of the State Committee for Tourism of Turkmenistan have attended this event.
The exhibition stand of Turkmenistan was attended by numerous guests, where they could get acquainted with different expositions of Turkmenistan, guiding through “the Great Silk Road”, including descriptions of historical monuments, added to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, as well as showpieces and literature on a culture of Turkmen people. Also, pictures of famous historical and cultural monuments as well as natural tourist attractions of Turkmenistan and the videos about the country and informational materials on the development of the tourism sector were presented.
The participants of the exhibition paid special attention to the information on the development of the National Tourist Zone “Avaza.”
During the visit of Turkmen delegation on January 9 of the current year, the Presentation on the accomplishments of tourism sphere of Turkmenistan was organized which was attended by the representatives of travel agencies of Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. During the presentation, a video film on the achievements of the tourism sector of Turkmenistan with information on travel agencies was shown.