
On the 4th of December, 2018 at the capital’s “Yildyz” hotel there was an Expert Meeting on the theme “Traditional Sports and Games  of the Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Road” with the participation of the representatives of UNESCO and other International Organizations.

The Representative of Turkmenistan Government and Representative of UNESCO made their presentations in the opening ceremony of the Meeting. Also there was held a presentation of UNESKO’s Silk Road project.

The objectives of this Expert Meeting, which is organized by UNESCO in cooperation with Turkmenistan Government, are to define and discuss the knowledge to select on the theme “Traditional Sports and Games along the Silk Roads”. The work of this Meeting was attended by 15 experts, who were invited from the various regions.

During the Meeting there was an exchange of views between the experts on the questions of the main traditional sports and games that developed along the Silk Roads and the historical contexts of their development. Moreover, there was a discussion about the processes and modalities of mutual influences and borrowings between traditional sports and games.

On 5 December, 2018 the Meeting will continue its work.