An international conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan has been held in Delhi


On February 13, 2016, within the framework of the orders of the President of Turkmenistan to hold the conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan as well as to the "Year of Honoring the Heritage, Transforming the Motherland", the Embassy of Turkmenistan in India in collaboration with Indo-Turkmen Friendship Society held an international conference and cultural program entitled "25 years of Independence and Prosperity of Turkmenistan and India" at the "Taj Mahal" hotel in New Delhi. 

To the conference attended ambassadors and diplomats from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brunei, the Dominican Republic, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Russia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, representatives of the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Oil and Gas of India, professors of universities businessmen, doctors, doctoral students, graduate students and Turkmen students studying in universities in India, correspondents and electronic media of India.

At the end of the conference the Embassy organized a reception, as well as the presentation of souvenirs, booklets and other printed materials with the symbols of Turkmenistan to all conference participants.